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Five long years of experience in Aotearoa New Zealand’s media industry, now working in the United Kingdom.

Available for video-editing, animation, motion-graphics, and all your post-production needs.


Featured Work

Featured Work

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Five long years of experience in Aotearoa New Zealand’s media industry, now working in the United Kingdom.

Available for video-editing, animation, motion-graphics, and all your post-production needs.



Senior Animator (+ Colour)

PSA | New Zealand phases out more plastics

Director | Shea McKenzie
Animator | Jack McConnell

For @jaunty.productions

GNB Disaster Response

Producer / Writer | Talya Willson
Director / Voice Over | Shea McKenzie
Animation | Jack McConnell

For Greater New Brighton

F*ck Responsibly

Director | Shea McKenzie
Animator | Jack McConnell

Exec. Producers | Erin Jackson, Angela Meyer, & Tania Domett

For @projectgendernz & @ettiekits

Mod’s Hair

Producer / Director | Shea McKenzie
Animator | Jack McConnell

Executive Producer | Julianne Liebeck
Co-Producer | Kimala Temple

For Mods Hair New Zealand

Colour | Brookesfield & Christchurch Cathedral rebuild

Director | Shea McKenzie
Colourist + Sky Replacement | Jack McConnell

Exec. Producers | Erin Jackson, Angela Meyer, & Tania Domett

For @jaunty.productions